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Rancho Cucamonga Domestic Violence Lawyer
California Statistics for Domestic Violence
According to the California Department of Justice, there were more than 170,000 calls related to domestic abuse in 2007, which is the most recent year for available data. An estimated 40 percent of these calls involved domestic violence which allegedly involved a weapon of some kind (such as firearms and knives). These are not minor statistics and clearly demonstrate how severe of an issue that domestic abuse is in Rancho Cucamonga and throughout the entire state of California.
In 2011, the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) released a fact sheet showing statistics regarding domestic violence in the state of California. These were drawn from over 97 out of 100 local domestic violence programs in the state. They noted that during the 24-hour period of the census more than 1,000 calls to domestic violence hotlines were made; this resulted in more than 53 calls every single hour.
Understanding the Problem of False Allegations
While domestic abuse is a serious issue, it is unfortunate to note that in many occasions, the accused can actually be the true victim. False allegations are not an uncommon occurrence and can cause a simple argument to spiral out of control. It's not unheard of for a romantic partner to make the call accusing domestic violence out of jealousy or rage. It can even be a maneuver to gain the upper hand in a family law case.
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE) conducted a nationwide survey regarding false allegations of domestic violence in 2011. The results were astonishing. Nearly one in every ten respondents stated that they themselves had been falsely accused and one in six said that they knew someone who had. Even worse? More than 25 percent of all the reported false accusations were involved in a child custody battle.
Domestic violence is too serious of an issue to be trivialized by false allegations. For this reason, we at The Law Offices of Ty Martinez are dedicated to ensuring that our clients receive the legal assistance that they truly deserve. We are strong supporters of justice and will do everything that we reasonably can to ensure that our clients are not treated fairly during the criminal justice process.
Arrested for domestic abuse in Rancho Cucamonga, CA?
With more than 20 years of experience, the Rancho Cucamonga domestic violence lawyers from our firm are prepared to go above and beyond in our efforts to helping our clients avoid the complications of conviction. In fact, it is our dedication to the success of our clients that resulted in our earning the 2012 Avvo Clients' Choice Award in the criminal defense division, honoring us for our outstanding service & representation.
We have offices throughout the Inland Empire, including one conveniently located in Rancho Cucamonga, and make ourselves readily available to help those in need of aggressive criminal defense. No matter whether you have been arrested for assault, child abuse, stalking or any other criminal charge related to family violence, you can trust in the legal knowledge of our firm. We can also help with restraining orders.
About Rancho Cucamonga, California
Rancho Cucamonga is located in the San Bernardino County and, according to the 2010 census, had more than 165,000 people calling it home. In 2006, it was ranked by Money's Best Places to live as #42 in the entire United States. As a whole, the crime index is significantly less than the U.S. average. In 2011, City-data.com rated it as having a 185.5 crime index while the U.S. average was a whopping 307.5. The majority of crimes came from theft (2,381 per 100,000 persons), with assault coming in fourth (171 per 100,000). All felony and misdemeanor criminal offenses are prosecuted at the Rancho Cucamonga District Courthouse:
Rancho Cucamonga District
8303 Haven Avenue
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Office Houses: 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Click here to learn more!
Contact a Rancho Cucamonga Domestic Violence Lawyer Today
If you have been arrested for domestic violence, we encourage you to get the involvement of a domestic violence attorney in Rancho Cucamonga as soon as possible. We are conveniently located in the center of Rancho Cucamonga, making it easy for you to schedule an appointment to come see us.
Our Office Location:
10790 Civic Center Drive #203
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
You can also call today if you would like to schedule your FREE case consultation with our legal professionals. We can help to protect your reputation, as well as help with the filing of restraining order petitions. Don't leave your entire future up to the whims of chance. Call us today to learn more about how we can help!

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Domestic Violence
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