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Fontana Domestic Violence Lawyer
About Fontana
Fontana is a city in San Bernardino County, California that was founded in 1913. It is home to 196,069 residents and is considered a hub trucking industry in northern California. According to the 2010 US Census there 195,625 people in Fontana live in households and there are 49,116 households in the area. 29,465 of the homes have children under the age of 18 within the house and 30,245 involve an opposite sex couple living together. The census determined that there are 8,074 single-mother households in the city and there are 4,125 single father households. There are also at least 3,447 opposite sex partners who live together but are not married, and 317 same-sex couples that live in the same home. The average size of a household in Fontana is 3.98 and the average family size is 4.18. There were 42,444 families in Fontana at the time that the US Census was taken.
According to City-Data, Fontana is a chiefly Hispanic city and 66.8% of all residents in the city are of this racial makeup. The city is also 15.4% white men and women and 9.3% African-Americans. The majority of the men and women in Fontana are married at present, and according to City-Data this people group comprises 57.5% of the population. 28.9% of the population was never married and 7.3% of the population is divorced. Because there are so many families in this area, it facilitates a lot of possibilities for domestic violence or abuse.
Domestic Violence in Fontana, California
In Fontana, the assault rates are significantly higher than the US average. In 2010, there were 476 reported cases of assault in the city. While this is a significant decrease from the 625 assault cases in 2001, it still proves that there have been significant issues with this type of violence both inside and outside family relationships. As well, there were 37 rape convictions in Fontana in 2010. Once again, this is a significant drop from the 61 cases that occurred in 2009, but shows that there are certainly offenders in Fontana to be careful of. In San Bernardino, California, one research project proved that there were 27 felony violent crimes in the county in one year and 33 violent felonies to non-family members. Because family members and household partners are often the people that make their relatives or lovers most vulnerable, they are often the biggest targets for violent acts.
For example, an angry husband who discovers that his wife has been cheating may beat her out of frustration. Alcohol is also often attributed to many domestic violence crime because it can make spouses physical violent towards each other. There are also times that spouses can be charged with domestic abuse if they threaten their children or spouses in an unnecessary and dangerous way. Despite the fact that domestic violence is a large problem in the state of California, there are many people who are falsely accused. Domestic violence cases can be complicated. Jealous spouses may lie and say that they were injured by a husband or wife in order to get revenge. Because there are not typically witnesses in these cases, it can be difficult to determine whether or not an alleged victim is telling the truth.
Hire a Fontana Domestic Violence Attorney!
If you have been recently accused of domestic violence, you may be terrified about what is ahead. In many domestic violence cases, a female who accuses her husband or boyfriend of abuse will win the case. The same is also true for children who may claim that their parents are abusive. Because the court often sides with the victim in these cases, you need an aggressive and convincing lawyer who can help you. You will want to defend your position and show that you are innocent of any wrongdoing. Ty Martinez is a hardworking and calculated lawyer who may be able to come to your aid.
You can contact Ty Martinez at (888) 464-1038 today if you want to schedule a free consultation with him or another lawyer at the firm. With the help of a Fontana professional, you can discuss your case and get an informed opinion about whether or not to contest the charges. At the Law Offices of Ty Martinez, the attorneys want to help you protect your reputation, argue against restraining orders when necessary, and advocate for innocence in your case. Domestic violence charges can be extremely sensitive. Your best option is to hire a professional attorney to help you out, rather than try to work things out with the victim outside of court. This is because your spouse or partner may choose to get a restraining order against you or use your words against you.
The Law Offices of Ty Martinez has an office at 7121 Magnolia Avenue, Riverside CA 92504 which is about 25 minutes away from parts of Fontana. The firm also has an office located at 10790 Civic Center Dr. Suite 203 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91370 which is only 8 miles away from Fontana. This way, the attorneys at Ty Martinez’s firm can help the residents of this city without requiring them to make a long commute into the office. As an Avvo Clients’ Choice 2013 attorney, you can be sure that Attorney Martinez understands what he is doing. The other associates and staff at this firm all hold the same firm belief that the client should come first. You will be treated with respect and valued as an individual if you choose to work at this firm. Contact a Fontana domestic violence attorney today!

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