Protect Your Reputation Legal representation that is aggressive, discreet, and professional.
Can Charges Be Dropped? Get the facts about domestic violence charges and how to protect yourself.
Free Case Evaluation Don't hesitate to contact our firm. We can review your case for free.
Protecting Your Reputation
Among the many different concerns that can arise in a domestic violence case, your reputation is of high importance. Even when charges are resolved and have passed, there is still your reputation among your peers, co-workers, friends, and acquaintances that must be defended and protected. At The Law Offices of Ty Martinez, we understand the harsh effect that a domestic violence charge can have on your standing in the community, and we also understand the importance of an individual's reputation in today's day and age.
In addition to the adverse effect that a domestic violence charge can have on your reputation, it can also affect child custody issues in family court. Our firm understands the scope of your current situation, and we know how to provide you with the aggressive representation that you need in your case. Our firm believes that a strong defense is the best offense; building a strong defense of your case is the best way to prepare you for the future and to fight for your rights in court.
Defending the Criminally Accused in Riverside, CA
With more than 20 years of combined experience in criminal defense matters, our firm understands the ins and outs of domestic violence cases. We can put our legal experience to work for you if you choose to work with our firm. We do not waste our clients' time with possible scenarios, we only deal with real issues that factor into the case at hand, and we do not unnecessarily scare our clients. We offer a free case evaluation so that you may obtain legal advice regarding your situation without any financial obligation to us on your part. Your case is important to us; contact our firm today to discuss the charges made against you and to learn more about how we can help you.

Dismissed Bellflower - Domestic Violence
Not Guilty Verdict Covina Court - Not Guilty Verdict
Domestic Violence
Dismissed Domestic Violence and Child Endangerment Case
Dismissed Downey - Domestic Violence Case Dismissed