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Expungement Attorney in Riverside
A Riverside Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Help Clear Your Record
Do you have a previous criminal charge on your record? Are you looking to start fresh and seek out gainful employment? Many times employers do a background check before hiring new employees and seeing a previous criminal conviction on record can be a big deterrent from hiring you. Keep in mind they are legally allowed to deny you the job if you have a criminal record.
A criminal record can haunt you for years down the road and make it very difficult for you to move forward and advance yourself in the business world. In some cases it could even cost you a promotion. However, there are ways to clear your criminal record if you are eligible for expungement.
Here at The Law Offices of Ty Martinez we have extensive experience with expungment cases and we can file a petition with the court on your behalf to see if the court will remove the former convictions. Call now to request a free consultation and find out if expungement could be the answer you are looking for.
Determining Factors in Expungement Cases
Our experienced trial attorneys are intimately familiar with the legal requirements and criteria that you must meet in order to be eligible for expungement. Before the judge approves the expungement, they will take a close look at the following qualifications:
- Did you serve out your entire probation period and comply with all the terms and conditions?
- Do you have any current pending criminal charges against you?
- Are you a registered sex offender, gang member, drug offender or arsonist?
- What the details were regarding your previous conviction and were there any aggravating factors?
- Did you commit a felony or a misdemeanor crime?
- What court were you convicted in for your crime?
- Did you complete all the terms and conditions of your probation and is your probation period up yet?
In cases where you still have a few months of probation left your defense attorney could request that it be terminated early. If you slipped up once or twice during your probationary period your attorney will have to work to convince the judge to approve the expungement despite those mistakes.
Are you seeking an expungement in the Riverside area? Call (888) 464-1038 for help today!
Here at The Law Offices of Ty Martinez we want our clients to be able to move on to the next chapter of their lives so that they can succeed and prosper. We are fully aware of the technical and legal requirements involved in expungement cases and we feel confident that we can help you clean up your criminal record.
Our Riverside criminal defense attorneys have over two decades of combined legal experience and we have the skills and resources you need to succeed. With an Excellent Avvo Rating, clients can feel confident in our ability to get the results they need. So don't let your criminal record hold you back any longer. Seek help from a skilled expungement lawyer at our firm to discuss your options. Call us today and schedule a complimentary case evaluation to get started.

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