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Riverside DUI with Injury Charges
DUI Defense Lawyer in Riverside for Felony DUI with Injury
An individual who is believed to have been driving drunk and is involved in an accident in which others are injured is likely to be facing a felony charge of DUI with injury. If you have been charged with this offense, the legal situation is very serious, as the penalties imposed by the court could include a term in state prison if you are convicted. At The Law Offices of Ty Martinez, our felony DUI defense lawyer should get involved in defending your case immediately.
How does the court prove the accident was alcohol related?
It is illegal to drive a vehicle with a BAC of .08% or greater. After an injury accident, drivers are often tested, either at the roadside, at the police station or in the hospital while being treated for injuries. If one party was DUI, it could easily be assumed that he or she is the party that is responsible for the accident. It may be necessary to enlist the services of an independent accident investigator to prove that another driver's actions led to the accident. The chemical testing procedures must also be evaluated for accuracy. Blood in the mouth and many other factors can influence a breath test, leading to a false reading. If you are accused of DUI with injury, it is imperative that you contact our firm at once. A full analysis of all the facts of the case will allow us to advise you of the strategy that our Riverside DUI defense lawyer will employ to help you fight back against the charges.
Charged with DUI with Injury in Riverside?
In cases of minor injuries, you could be facing a misdemeanor DUI with injury charge. Prior DUI convictions will impact the decision by the prosecutor about whether you will be charged with a misdemeanor or felony. A misdemeanor DUI with injury conviction will carry a penalty of informal probation for up to 3 years, whereas a felony DUI with injury conviction can carry up to 10 years in a state penitentiary, in cases of great bodily injury. If convicted of misdemeanor DUI with injury, your driver's license will be suspended for between 1 – 3 years. A felony conviction can include a 5 year driver's license suspension, expensive fines, and a term in state prison. Once released, as a convicted felon you will face personal consequences that last a lifetime. Contact us immediately so we can review the facts of your case. We are aggressive defenders.

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